Aracılar ve komisyonculara satış YAPMIYORUZ çiftlik,kalkınma kooperetifleri,bireysel ahır ve mandıra sahiplerine satış yapmaktayız sözleşme dahilinde nakliyelerini kendi araclarımız ile nakliyelerini yapmaktayız
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Yonca Balyamız bir laboratuvar analizinde test edildiğinde, çeşitli yem kalite faktörleri olarak kabul edilir.Bu tür vade, hava durumu gibi yoncanın kalitesini belirlerken birtakım dinamikler devreye girer,toprak koşulları, kuru madde konsantrasyonu, sıcaklık, kesme zaman, yoğunluk, hava maruz kalma,ve çeşitli. Yonca optimum yem sağlamak için yerine getirmesi gereken belirli bir hedef değeri parametreleri vardırüretim. Hedef değerler test sonuçları yüzdelerini gösteren bir kuru madde temelinde kabul edilirprotein, lif içeriği, yonca enerji değerleri, sindirilebilirliği ve minerallerdir Ürünlerimizin kalite ammaclı yetiştirme yapılmaktadırİstenilen kalite sahip olan yoncalarımız İç ve dış pazara Satışa sunuyoruz
Our advertisements that were issued and given in 2015 have been updated. Invoice / Bill absolutely must be requested from the dot com companies ( Selling companies that use the Internet ) You should not deal with any company which did not make out an invoice on its own behalf. Otherwise, you will be considered as taking part in a crime and will have become a partner. Bill acknowledgment must be confirmed on the Commodity Exchange, Chamber of Tradesmen and the Ministry of Finance
Large bales weigh 500 kg. The small bales weigh 20 - 25 kg. Bales' demand are under contract and sales are performed on the basis of weight. the test results of laboratory analysis showed that bales of alfalfa had several forage quality factors. There are lots of dynamics which determine the quality of alfalfa, such as terms and weather conditions. Said dynamics are as follows : soil conditions, dry matter concentration, temperature, cutting ( trimming ), time, intensity, exposure to weather conditions, etc. Alfalfa production has specific target values and parameters which must be fulfilled in order to provide optimum feed. Test results showing the percentage of target values are based on dry substance. These values include : protein, fiber content, energy value of alfalfa, forage digestibility and minerals. Our products are cultivated and grown for quality. We put our alfalfas which have the desired quality on the domestic and foreign markets for sale. Our market prices include all costs.
You can see our documents in the pictures. You can look at the pictures and see laboratory results. Please especially avoid our confirmed imitators. We aim for the highest quality in our products.